For he has rescued us from the one who
rules in the kingdom of darkness, and he has brought us into the Kingdom of his
dear Son. God has purchased our freedom with his blood and has forgiven all our
It’s hard to understand Kingdom mentality,
especially since we live in a free, democratic society, as in the United
States. But if you could imagine for a moment, living in a country where you
were not free to live as you please; one where you were bound by a dark, mean
ruler, whose only purpose was to cause you misery and pain. Where you worked,
who you married, what you ate and where you lived was all decided for you; you
were simply a slave to the ruler of this dark, depressing place. Everything
about this place was pure torment. Could you imagine living in a place like
this? I believe that everyone would agree that your soul’s desire would be for
someone to sweep into that country, pick you up and carry you away to a land
that was the complete opposite of that torment. You would be so grateful and
indebted to your rescuer and deliverer, probably serving him the rest of your
life. Your perspective on life would probably be radically different as well.
Existing in darkness and oppression for most of your life would give you a new
appreciation for freedom, happiness and joy. Even the greatest of
inconveniences wouldn’t phase your outlook because you would know where you
came from and you would remember what darkness felt like.
I realize this example was a crude
representation but it explains our salvation experience, and one we all need to
be reminded of, from time to time. At one point in our lives, we were living in
darkness and depression; bound by an evil, mean ruler. But Jesus Christ came
onto the scene, swooped down, picked us up, rescued us and carried us into His
new Kingdom of light. He did this by shedding His own blood on the cross of
Calvary; overcoming death, hell and the grave, once and for all. Satan, the
enemy of our souls, is no longer our mean, evil ruler; we are free to live for
Jesus Christ and serve him for the rest of our lives.
Too often, we forget where we came from
and fail to remember what darkness felt like. If we were to remind ourselves of
that on a daily basis, I believe we would live our lives very differently.
Inconveniences wouldn’t faze us, rude people wouldn’t ruffle our feathers,
hurts and disappointments wouldn’t blindside us because we would know and
appreciate living in the light, never wanting or desiring to go back to the dreariness
of the darkness.
Are you still
living in the darkness? Do you desire to be rescued and delivered into the
Kingdom of light? Take this opportunity to pray and ask God to forgive you of
all your sins, believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to make atonement
(make things right) for your sins, confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and strive
to serve Him and have a personal relationship with Him all the days of your
life. If you took the time to pray that pray……Welcome to the Kingdom!
a great day!
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