Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pop Quiz!

2 Corinthians 13:5

     Examine yourselves to see if your faith is really genuine. Test yourselves. If you cannot tell that Jesus Christ is among you, it means you have failed the test.

     Paul wrote these three short sentences to the Corinthian church, but what a vitally, important message it speaks to us today. Many people in Paul’s day called themselves followers of Christ or Christians, but didn’t walk the walk. All the right words came out of their mouths, but their actions didn’t line up with their words. Paul was getting really tired of the whole scenario. There was a lot of ground that needed to be covered to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and if the “so called” Christians couldn’t even get their act together, then how in the world were they going to impact others with the gospel of Christ? Paul had led by example, preached the Word of God, and personally poured himself into their lives, and they still weren’t getting it. So here, at the end of the book of 2 Corinthians, he lays it all on the line. He tells them to forget about everything else that had happened in the past, and boiled everything down to these three short verses. In reality, he was telling them to step away from the church,  to step away from others that called themselves Christians and ask themselves a question; a question that only they could answer. “Could they tell that Jesus Christ lived in them?”

     Today, in this short devotion, I pose the same question to you. “Can you tell that Jesus Christ lives in you?” You may understand who Jesus is, and understand what he did while he walked this earth, but if you call yourself a Christian, is there evidence that he lives in you? Do you commune with him on a regular basis? Do you listen for his voice? Are you allowing him to mold you and shape you into his image? Do you live only to serve and obey him and not worry what everyone else around you is doing? It is a test that only you can answer; you can’t copy from the person next to you. Why call yourself a Christian if you don’t want him living in you and impacting your life? I challenge you to take the time to examine yourself and take the test. Would you pass or fail?

     Quiet yourself today, and examine your faith. Does Jesus Christ truly live in you? Do you constantly desire to move closer to him? Be honest with yourself and then go to him with your answers. He desires to hear from you, he desires to change your heart and life. Make today the day that you pass the test with flying colors!

Have a great day!

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